With Indemnity Limit requirements rising IRCM are continuing to help Marine Sole-Traders get the cover they need at affordable rates

An increasing number of marinas are requestng visiting and resident Marine contractors and sub-contractors to have a minimum level of Public & Yachtyard Liability Insurance of £5,000,000.  Some local authorities and other public institutions are asking for even higher minimum levels of cover.

For Marine businesses in general and sole-traders in particular, topping up their cover just to be able to go to work can prove costly.  Some insurers charge high minimum rates whilst others may not even provide the higher levels to businesses if “heat work” is being conducted.

IRCM’s starting premium for Marine sole-traders requiring a £5,000,000 Public Liability limit is only £448 and that includes cover for “heat work”.  We can also provide you with cover up to £10,000,000 as we recently did for one sole-trader who was undertaking welding in a municipal harbour.

So if your current provider is unable to provide you with competitive cover outside their normal limits and you need a higher level of insurance to fulfill your contractual obligations, whether it be on a stand-alone or top-up basis, telephone IRCM on 01902 796 793 or email markelcocks@marineinsurance-ircm.co.uk